
Move the body, ignite the brain

I do my best thinking when I'm moving.

I don't know exactly what it is about physical exertion, but it lights up my brain waves. Moving and thinking, thinking and moving. The only real challenge about these great ideas that come to me while I'm sweating my butt off, is that I really don't have a way to record them. They usually get washed off in the shower with the sweat and mud. It frustrates me to no end. So, my resolve over the next few weeks is to put them down here, in this blog, before I have a chance to rinse them down the drain with the remnants of my latest adventure. 

That said, I had a dog walk this evening that turned into a pleasant 5k run. My dog isn't the best running partner. She is a sprint, chase, stop, pee, sniff, sprint kind of dog. That doesn't usually work too well for a steady pace training run. Every now and then, especially when the weather is cool and grey, she will fall into lock step with me. Tonight, she was the one who had to convince me. It was too cold to walk, that was clear. I was cold from sitting around the house, and stiff from a late soccer game the night before. It started as a shuffle just to keep warm. It grew into a nice clip that both of us enjoyed. 

Once she got me moving, the thoughts and ideas started flowing. I've gotten used to the internal monologs that arise as I adventure. This is because I am either alone or with a select few others. Some people thrive on being in the "pain cave". They have a mental space carved out for just this purpose. I have that place for the times that I truly need it, but most of the rest of the time I just like to get lost in my own thoughts. 

Today I found myself staring into the grey sky watching as blurs of beautiful pastel blossoms filled it like a watercolor. It was so nice to enjoy this moment before more spring snow tears down the petals. This thought led me to others, in a natural cycle. Change is necessary, both small changes, and wholesale change. What is really important is the ability to accept the opportunities that these changes create. Lately, I have been making an effort to be more opportunistic. Less waiting for change to happen to me, more creating the changes I am looking for. I am putting myself out into the media world in a new way. It certainly is a learning experience, but I'm buzzing with the energy of that newness. 

All this, from a run. A run that wasn't even supposed to be a run. Thanks, pup. I needed that.